Ignite Your Workplace: CPR for Lifeless Attitudes
(Also known as "Do You Work With the Living Dead?")
Do you work with people who:
Drag their feet into work?
Growl and murmur?
Punch the time clock with a blank stare?
Aren't engaged with their work?
Are retired on duty?
Spread negativity?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above...
Then, you will love this entertaining and engaging keynote! Desi will teach your audience five strategies on how to rise above those workplace zombies.
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn how to:
Implement strategies to work with negative people
Ensure your attitude doesn't catch this infectious condition
Understand how to work with different types of people
Energize and increase productivity on the job
Empower a culture of more cohesive teams
Perform "CPR" on the job on lifeless attitudes
Audience: Employees who work with negative people
Format: Perfect for Keynotes or breakout sessions
Timeframe: 60-90 minutes
*Can also be titled "CPR for Lifeless Attitudes"
Recommended for Healthcare Organizations (or Funeral Home Directors)
Based on Desi's book, "Do You Work with the Living Dead?"

"Loved it! Great content and loved how it was presented. I laughed a lot!"
– N. Stabile