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Eating Chocolate Makes Us Feel Good

Have you ever been on vacation, wandered into a quaint little store, and watched them behind glass make homemade fudge? Then you were thrilled when they cut off little chunks and gave you samples? My favorite is usually anything with chocolate, maple extract, and nuts. Today’s blog promotes a wonderful fudge from Chocolate can make you feel happy.

With that said, let’s talk about how chocolate can really boost your mood. A 2013 study in British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that that consuming chocolate may help improve your mood, making you feel calmer and more content. Dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that create feelings of pleasure. Dark chocolate also contains serotonin, an antidepressant that can elevate mood.

Without a doubt, chocolate can boost your mood! Speaking of chocolate…to order my new book, Give Me Some Chocolate…I’m Stressed! go to

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