Are you getting stressed due to the holidays? I have a special Christmas gift for you! Go to https://www.desipayne.com/stress-less-christmas-check-list and download your FREE Christmas checklist. Being organized during the holidays will help reduce stress. Also, remember these three tips:
Focus on at least one thing that you really want to do. Whether it’s going to a Christmas party, having friends over to play games and eating awesome food, or just curling up in front of the Christmas tree all snuggled up and reading a book, do something that will be fun and help you relax.
I remember years ago when my husband and I first started dating. He knew I liked pineapple, so he bought me a case of canned pineapple for Christmas. Yes, it’s the thought that counts. But, it lasted a very long time and, GUY ALERT! Don’t buy your wife a case of pineapple! Just ask what they want, unless you’re known to be an amazing shopper, as my friend Matt is for his wife, Lori. To reduce stress, just ask family and friends what they want. I ask my good friends, “What three places would you like a gift card from?” Then I surprise them with one, and of course, add some chocolate to the bag.
When this holiday season is over, start planning for next year so that it will be super easy after Thanksgiving. Use the free checklist, start a bin for gifts that you buy all year long, get good bargains with after- Christmas sales, and as you see in my YouTube video, don’t throw your lights in a bin, wrap them well.
Check out my three new Christmas Stressbusters on my YouTube Channel. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE - I would really appreciate it!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Stress Less Coach